Women of India are very much fond of wearing ornaments and their numbers pandora Jewelry exceeds the percentage of women from other countries of the world by a big margin. During the festival season in the month of November, it is a ritual for almost every family of Indian origin to buy some ornaments for the women members of the family. For making these ornaments of various types and designs, a large number of people are engaged in the industry of wholesale gemstone jewelry, fine gemstone jewelry and that is why a large number of goldsmith's population live in India. This goldsmith's communities of India are very able in their profession and have fame in the industry of wholesale gemstone jewelry, fine gemstone jewelry. They get offers for jobs from different countries of the world for making ornaments where numbers of goldsmiths are very less. In this way wholesale gemstone jewelry, fine gemstone jewelry captures the export market of Indian jewelry business in a massive manner. These goldsmiths community learn the jobs from their ancestors through hereditary process and thus maintain their livelihood from the wholesale costume jewelry, fine gemstone jewelry business. The goldsmith's families of India are found in Western part of India.
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