The trade center held wholesale costume jewelry fair successively in April & December of 2004, attracting the buyers and retailers from all corners of the world. The sales volume reach 300 million and 330 million separately, which created a sales miracle in the jewelry industry. All the above mentioned show us the great charm of Shuibei International Jewelry Trade Center and the jewelry culture.
The whole trade center is divided into over 10 operation parts, such as gold, platinum, inlay, silver, jade, pearl, precious stones, accessories, pandora Jewelry which fully meet the desire of their clients, that is, to buy everything in a place. So far, the transaction amount has reached 2.6 billion RMB, with 480 million for exporting.
All these increase the regional taxes a lot and highly promote the economic development of Shenzhen. The State wholesale fashion jewelry Quality Inspection and Supervision Center also comes into the trade center. It issues the authorized certificate for every product, which make the trade center to operate in a more standard way. Moreover, its cooperation with the media, such as "China Gold", "Previous Stone Weekly", "China Precious Stone", "Jewelry Business", "Asian Jewelry", "Taiwan Jewelry", "Shenzhen Business", "Hong Kong Business", "Shenzhen TV", has brought an effective advertisement to jewelry culture.
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